Awww sweatahs!

And that is how you spell it in a New England accent.

I wait all year for Labor Day. Mostly so that when I shout “Labor Day is OV-ER!” ala Kevin Hart, it makes more sense.

I think most people like the extra day off for a final celebration of summer. And yes, the weather has started to cool, especially in the northern states. The scent of pumpkin spice latte candles and sweatha weatha are in the air.

But wait…there are still a few days left of summer. And before you pack away all your pretty hot girl summer clothes, you might yet be surprised by an Indian Summer.

I did make a carrot cake. Which looks like pumpkin bread, and possibly has the same seasonings, but has delectable cream cheese frosting. I used to ask for carrot cake on my birthday as a kid. Is that weird? Possibly connected to the fact that I was a book worm and needed more carrots to see my books when I was reading after lights out in our house.

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